Beyond Limits

Crazy Faith

Episode Summary

🥳It’s a Reunion🥳 🔥Jared M. is HERE👇and it will be awesome🔥 Old Testament Stories of Faith #3 is perfect 👌... We are talking about Joseph, and if anyone had a reason to complain, it would be him. Hes hated by his brothers, hes thrown in a pit and ultimately sold into slavery. He gets falsely accused and thrown in prison... But GOD'S PLAN is PERFECT! Joseph kept his eyes and his faith set on the one true God and becomes 2nd in command over Egypt. Maybe you are sitting in circumstances right this very second that aren't of your doing... How strong 💪 is your faith? Drop those 🙏PRAYER-REQUESTS🙏 down below👇 We want to know... where are you watching from? It doesn't matter if you are watching LIVE or you cant catch the show until later in the day... Drop the City 🌃 Name that you are in and TAG 🏷 at least one ☝️ friend that would gladly jump on this POSITIVITY MOVEMENT! Jared is here & We are LIVE! Verses 📚 Genesis 50:24-25 📚 Hebrews 11:22 📚 Genesis 15:13-16 💜 🎙 🎥 🎙 💜 Pause -1:35:05 Additional Visual Settings Enter Watch And ScrollClick to enlarge Unmute