Beyond Limits

Giving it to GOD!

Episode Summary

"Giving it to GOD" This one is SO needed. While it might seem similar to Wednesday's Devo. One thing happened after the last show πŸ‘‰ We discovered an overwhelming number of our #BLFAM are going through some personal stuff right now... Some Family, Some Health, Some Jobs, Some have Sons and Daughters in the Military and Police/Fire Rescue... and the constant theme: Anxiety. What does the Bible have to say, and what does that actually look like for us? ❀️This one is on-time!❀️ πŸ‘‰National Best Friend Day is Saturday... TAG that Friend or Circle of Friends that has always been there for you! No matter the challenge they could always be found by your side! After you TAG them, comment and let em' know just how much they mean to you! ❀️ πŸ‘« πŸ‘¬ πŸ‘­ ❀️ You can even start TAGGING & MOTIVATING those friends TONIGHT! Don't Wait! The Bible is filled with the importance of relying on these friendships, so today we want to celebrate πŸŽ‰ all those reliable and unbreakable friendships! 😳*** LOOK WHO IS IN THE STUDIO WITH US THIS MORNING! πŸ™Œ Brandon Nicholson, the JLD & our Writer! We are going to talk about the NEW Beyond Limits Devotion Book... what's in it...and when you can get one!***😳 πŸ“– Verses for this Devotion πŸ“– πŸ“– Matthew 6:25-27 πŸ“– Matthew 6:33-34 πŸ“– Philippians 4:6-7 TAG those Friends Spread that POSITIVITY πŸ‘‡ You Comment tonight...So will we πŸ˜‰ β€οΈπŸŽ™πŸŽ₯πŸŽ™β€οΈ