Beyond Limits

Leaders of Faith (pt. 1) "Noah"

Episode Summary

There is a crown there which nobody's head but yours can ever wear. There is a seat in which none but yourself can sit. There is a harp that will be silent till your fingers strike its strings. -Spurgeon Stop Living Defeated Lives! You are More than a Conqueror! You have not been SAVED so that you may become what the world dictates. You have been saved to be set-apart and to boldly proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to ALL nations! 🙌 #BLFAM ... If you are a Christ-Follower... then you are Royalty!👑 Pick your head up, put on the full-armor of God, the battle has already been Won! "Bold Faith" (pt. 1) For the better part of a Cenutry Noah bulids a boat. They mocked him, they ridiculed him, then degraded him, but, Noah didn't waiver. This series is to spotlight the lives of normal Men and Women who were fully devoted to God and we're starting out with Noah! We are 120 away from the #BLFAM passing 2000 on FB! Y'all are killing it with those shares! 🙏 🙏 🙏 📖 Verses Used 📖 📖 Hebrews 11:1 📖 Genesis 6:5-8 📖 Genesis 6:17-19 📖 Genesis 6:22 📖 Genesis 7:11-12 Let's Do This! ❤️ 🎙 🎥 🎙 ❤️ Pause -1:39:43 Additional Visual Settings Enter Watch And ScrollClick to enlarge Unmute