Beyond Limits

❤️You ARE Loved❤️

Episode Summary

👉Don't let the World dictate your identity. Don't you dare believe the lie that you are unloved or you have done too much wrong... Your worth, to the only one who matters, was decided on a cross 2000 years ago in just 3 words: "It is Finished!" 🙌 If you are a Christ-Follower you have been bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ! You are fully-known and you are fully-loved. 👉Corey is BACK!! Drop those hearts ♥️ 💕 ♥️ below! 👉The Comedy Tour is in Washington this Friday Night... Get those tickets! 👉Skydive Little Washington... Yeah... thats a thing. 👉We'll be doing the show from Ohio at the Convention... make sure you find us! Verses for today 📚 John 1:12 📚 1 John 3:1 📚 Galationa 3:26-27 📚 Romans 8:16-17 🙏Let us know where your watching from & TAG 🏷 at least one friend to the PARTY! 🎉🎊🥳🎈 ❤️ Let's do this ❤️